As a dedication to Denny Dahm's, (operator of Terror By Design,) dear departed dog "Hoover" Carl Chetta and
myself created a pretty neat scare. It consists of a 4 foot deep 3 foot
wide dog house with a removable top. Inside is Hoover, a taxidermist
mannequin of a coyote with an incredible jaw set. Carl put the mannequin
together and he sits atop a 4 foot air ram (PVC) just inside the opening.
He went to the salvation army and picked up a fake fur coat and dressed
the mannequin. It looks just like a real dog.
When activated he comes charging out teeth flashing. I envision putting a
recording of a bad dog barking inside the dog house just before activating
We hope that with this effect Hoover will be remembered.
Material list: Also check out "BAD DOG"
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by: Last Modified on: November 2004
Dog house, with a removable top. I used 3/8 exterior grade plywood.
Coyote mannequin from taxidermy supply or fabricate your own.
Fierce looking jaw set also from taxidermy supply.
2" PVC air ram. Mount the effect on a rail that is pushed out by the air ram.
Find out how to build a PVC pneumatic cylinder!
Spring to pull back the ram.
Piece of plastic to cover roof, stapled on.
Compressed air supply.
Lund Consulting Service
Phone: (516) 231-8790